2023  桑原正彦:Masahiko Kuwahara



桑原正彦:Masahiko Kuwahara

桑原正彦 1959-2021 “ Blue ”


2023, Aug. 19 ( Sat. ) ー Sep. 9 ( Sat. )





今回の「Blue」展は、昨年の個展「Summer  Snow」に続く桑原正彦没後2回目の展示となります。「Summer Snow」で並べられたモノトーンの白い作品達、今回はそのモノクロームの世界に桑原の空色が彩を添えます。桑原の作品タイトルには「空色」「水色」「青空」といった青い色に関連する語がよく使われています。桑原の「Blue」は純粋で幻想的、夢見心地でありながらもどこか物悲しさ、哀愁もおびています。それは冷静な眼差しで現代社会を見る、桑原の真の優しさゆえの表現だからでしょう。例えば今回展示する「リナロール」。白鳥の背に乗った甘色の髪をした少女。ロマンチックな作品のそのタイトル「リナロール」は、香料の成分名であるなど、桑原は密やかにメッセージの入り口を用意しています。また「揮発」という作品達は、早朝の晴天に輝く星々の如く幻想的な抽象世界を展開していますが、その作品の意図するところもまたタイトル「揮発」と関連するものなのでしょう。表面的で甘い言葉が覆うこの社会の、彼岸と此岸をない混ぜに、ただ桑原は淡々と現在を描いてきたのです。現代社会の発展は人類に多大な恩恵をもたらしましたが、それに伴う負の一面も現在では顕在化しています。その両面と共にあるのが今の社会なのです。飄々とし、酒を愛し、日々日課として朝から夕まで絵筆をとっていた桑原の空色の世界を是非ご覧ください。暑い夏のひと時、皆様の心と目に涼を添えることが出来ましたら幸いでございます。よろしくお願い致します。



This "Blue" exhibition is the second exhibition since the death of Masahiko Kuwahara, following his solo exhibition "Summer Snow" last year.This time, blue will add color to the monochrome world of the monotone white works displayed in "Summer Snow”. Kuwahara often uses words related to the color blue, such as "sky blue," "light blue," and "blue sky," in the titles of his works. Kuwahara’s "Blue" is pure, fantastic, and dreamy, yet somehow sad and melancholy. This is probably because of Kuwabara's true gentleness, which is expressed through his calm view of contemporary society. Take, for example, "Linalool," on view in this exhibition. A girl with sweet-colored hair rides on the back of a swan. The title of this romantic work, "Linalool," is the name of an ingredient of perfume, and Kuwahara has secretly prepared an entrance to the message. The works in the "volatilization" series are as fantastical and abstract as the stars shining in the early morning sky, and the intent of these works may also be related to the title “volatilization". Kuwahara has been painting a picture of the present in an unaffected manner, mixing the present and the future of this society, which is covered by superficial and sweet words. The development of modern society has brought tremendous benefits to mankind, but the negative aspects that accompany it are also becoming apparent today. It is with both sides that we live in today's society. We invite you to view the sky-blue world of Kuwahara, who was aloof, loved alcohol, and spent his daily routine painting from morning to evening. We hope it will add coolness to your heart and eyes during the hot summer season. We are looking forward to welcoming you!