current exhibition



ロバート・プラット:Robert Platt

「揺らぐ領域:Flickering Realms」



2025, 3. 4 ( Tue. ) ー 22 ( Sat. )



“ Flickering Realms:揺らぐ領域 ”  Robert Platt




This exhibition explores the fluid and dynamic relationship between figure and ground, drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of flickering perception. The works, blending chaotic foliage with Baroque excess, challenge traditional boundaries between foreground and background, where forms constantly emerge and recede. By inviting a shifting experience of vision, the exhibition reflects the instability of identity and perception, where the viewer’s eye moves between multiple, interwoven elements, embracing the complexity and transformation of the world around us.





当画廊として初個展となる今回、ロバート・プラットは一つのコメント寄せてくれました。それは京都にいた頃から変わらない彼の重要な視点であると、再確認できるものでした。京都にいた頃、ロバートは洋の東西を問わず、様々なイメージをコンバインするかのようなペインてイングを描いていました。日本の古い絵画からえたモチーフまでを加えた絵画は、カラフルでポップでありながら、どこか文化人類学的な考察を踏まえたかのようなコンセプチュアルな面も持ち合わせている、そんな絵画であったと記憶しています。今回彼から送られてきた作品画像を見ると、前回の京都MtKギャラリーでのグループ展に連なる作品を中心に構成されるようです。非常に複雑に構成された作品は、様々なイメージが画面を埋め尽くしています。装飾的な植物模様は、モノクロームであったり彩色が施されていたり、またそのことでイメージは画面前面に出てきたり後退したりして見えます。同じことは格子状の形態や、画面をうねるグラフィカルなライン状の描写でさらに複雑さを増幅させていきます。私たちの視点は画面を彷徨いますが、その段階で精緻に描き込まれたテクニック、画面の情報量にも感心させられます。そして最後、その画面に潜む何かの存在が、有るか無きかの物語へと誘ってくれるのではないでしょうか。加えて今回、「Flickering Echoes」という作品に注目しています。モノクロームに近い図像はコンバインされ、衣の襞のような、またどこか肉体的な質感を喚起させます。白い絵の具の部分は画像の欠落を感じさせ、画面に時の経過をも加味している様に感知させます。この作品にはイメージの複層性と時の経過が表現されてるのではないでしょうか。個展では、立体の小品も1点展示します。ロバートは、イメージに対する考察と画面構成に真摯に向き合い、絵画、いや作品により視覚から私たちの認識を揺さぶろうとしています。そんな冒険にお付き合いください。よろしくお願い致します。 



Robert Platt was born in London in 1974, graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2001, and completed his doctorate at Kyoto City University of Arts in 2009. He worked as an associate professor in the Department of Art at the University of Michigan until 2009, and is currently a professor in the Department of Art and Media Studies at Kyushu Sangyo University, where he lives and works in Fukuoka, Japan.


For his first solo exhibition at our gallery, Robert Platt made one comment. It reaffirms an important point of view that has remained unchanged since his days in Kyoto. During his time in Kyoto, Robert Platt created paintings that seemed to combine a variety of images from both the East and the West. These paintings are colorful and pop, but also have a conceptual aspect, as if they were based on cultural anthropological considerations. Looking at the images of the works he sent us this time, it seems that the exhibition will consist mainly of the same series of works that he exhibited in the previous group exhibition at MtK Gallery in Kyoto. The highly complex compositions are filled with a variety of images. Decorative botanical patterns can be monochromatic or colored, and the images can be seen to rise to the foreground or recede. In addition, the lattice-like forms and graphical strips undulating across the screen further amplify the layers of complexity on the painting's surface. Our point of view wanders around the screen, and we are impressed by the technique and the amount of information on the screen that is elaborately depicted at that stage. And finally, something lurking on that screen may invite us to a mysterious story. In addition, we are interested in the work “Flickering Echoes” this time. The nearly monochrome images are combined to evoke a physical texture, somewhat like the folds of a garment. The white areas of paint give us a sense of the loss of the screen and the passage of time. I think this work expresses the multi-layered nature of the image and the passage of time. The solo exhibition will also include one small three-dimensional work. Robert's paintings, or rather his works, are intended to shake up our perception of the visual through his sincere consideration of the image and the composition of the screen. Please join us on such a visual adventure.










































   In the Google map, a sign is displayed on the north side of the

   building, but the entrance is only in the south of the building.









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